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Lekhny Story -22-May-2024

Title: The Burden of Expectations Author: Sree Varshini R Genre: Short Story


  1. David - The protagonist, a young boy known for his exceptional intelligence and talent.
  2. Robert - David's father, the town's respected doctor.
  3. Anne - David's mother, a dedicated schoolteacher.


  1. Meadowbrook - The small town where David and his family live.
  2. David’s attic - The place where David secretly paints and keeps his art supplies.
  3. Living room - The place where David and his parents have the important conversation about his future.
  4. Rhode Island School of Design - The prestigious art school where David is accepted.
  5. Art gallery in New York City - The place where David's artwork is displayed and celebrated

In the small town of Meadowbrook, where everyone knew each other by name and the streets were lined with oak trees, lived a young boy named David. David was known for his exceptional intelligence and his natural talent in almost everything he tried. From an early age, his parents, teachers, and neighbors all had high hopes for him, believing he was destined for greatness.

David’s father, Robert, was the town’s respected doctor, and his mother, Anne, a dedicated schoolteacher. They both poured their dreams and unfulfilled ambitions into their son. Every day, David would hear, “You can be anything you want to be,” but what he heard instead was, “You must be everything we want you to be.”

As David grew older, his schedule became increasingly packed with activities designed to hone his skills and prepare him for a successful future. Mornings were spent at school, afternoons in piano lessons or on the soccer field, and evenings with a private tutor. Despite his exhaustion, he pushed himself to meet the expectations placed upon him.

In high school, David excelled academically, topping his class and winning numerous awards. Yet, the accolades brought him little joy. With every honor he received, the pressure intensified. His parents beamed with pride, their social gatherings filled with stories of his latest achievements. “David is going to Harvard,” they would say, “and then he’ll become a doctor just like his father.”

But David's true passion lay in art. In the quiet moments he could steal away, he would retreat to the attic, where he kept his sketchbooks and paints hidden. There, he could lose himself in his creations, feeling a freedom he never experienced elsewhere. The world faded away when he painted, and for those precious moments, he felt truly alive.

One night, overwhelmed by the weight of his parents' expectations and his own hidden desires, David found himself in the attic, staring at a blank canvas. His mind raced with thoughts of the future, the path that seemed set in stone. Tears streamed down his face as he picked up a brush and began to paint furiously. Colors swirled and mixed, forming shapes and patterns that mirrored his turmoil.

Lost in his work, he didn't hear the footsteps on the stairs. Anne, worried by the late hour and the silence in David's room, had gone looking for him. She opened the attic door and froze, watching her son pour his soul onto the canvas. She saw in his eyes a depth of emotion she had never noticed before.

“David?” she called softly, stepping into the attic.

David turned, startled, and quickly tried to hide his work. But it was too late. Anne approached, her eyes fixed on the painting.

“I didn’t know,” she whispered, her voice trembling.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” David said, his voice breaking. “I love art. I always have. But I didn’t want to disappoint you and Dad.”

Anne looked at her son, realizing how blind she had been to his true self. She saw the pain in his eyes, the burden he had carried for so long. Tears welled up in her own eyes as she took his hands in hers.

“Oh, David,” she said softly. “We never meant to make you feel this way. We wanted the best for you, but we were wrong to push our dreams onto you.”

David felt a weight lift from his shoulders at her words, but he knew there was still a long road ahead. He needed to have the same conversation with his father, and he wasn’t sure how Robert would react.

The next evening, Anne and David sat down with Robert in the living room. Anne gently broached the topic, explaining what she had discovered in the attic. Robert listened, his expression unreadable. When Anne finished, he turned to David.

“Is this true?” he asked quietly.

David nodded, fear and hope mingling in his heart. “Yes, Dad. I love art. I’ve always wanted to be an artist.”

Robert was silent for a long moment, his brow furrowed in thought. Finally, he sighed and leaned back in his chair. “I’ve always wanted you to follow in my footsteps, David. But I see now that I’ve been unfair to you. Your mother is right. We should support you in pursuing your own dreams.”

Relief washed over David, and for the first time in years, he felt free. With his parents' newfound support, he began to focus on his art. He still worked hard in school, but he made time for painting, honing his craft and finding his unique voice.

When the time came to apply for college, David submitted his portfolio to several prestigious art schools. The day he received his acceptance letter from the Rhode Island School of Design, his parents threw him a party to celebrate. It wasn’t the path they had envisioned for him, but they had learned to value his happiness above all else.

Years later, David stood in a bustling art gallery in New York City, surrounded by his paintings. His parents stood beside him, beaming with pride as they greeted guests and shared stories of their son’s journey. David had become a successful artist, his work admired and celebrated by many.

As he looked around the gallery, David felt a deep sense of fulfillment. He had followed his heart and, in doing so, found his true calling. The burden of expectations had once weighed him down, but he had learned to cast it off and pursue his own dreams. In doing so, he had not only discovered his passion but had also brought his family closer together.

In the end, David realized that the greatest gift his parents had given him was their love and support. With their encouragement, he had soared higher than he ever thought possible, free to be who he truly was.


Reena yadav

22-May-2024 03:03 PM

